Photography: Traces Task

 Today in Creative Media Production class, I started the photography task. We began with discussing the settings of the camera such as the ISO, Exposure settings and Aperture.

I have created contact sheets in Photoshop by selecting the 'File', 'Automate', and 'Contact Sheets II'. I then selected the folder containing the images I previously took and is then created into a contact sheets as seen below. I then saved the contact sheets to my desktop as well as my google drive so I will be able to access it easily.

As seen above and below, I decided to make use of a jacket, a phone, a camera and a pair of glasses for the concept 'Trace'. One specific picture I liked was a sort of wide-shot of the jacket being left on the coach along with the other items, which symbolises a trace of myself.

As I do not know much about the settings of the camera, I decided to follow the settings provided in class which was an ISO of 400, Aperture of 4,3, and no black and white filter.

Though I did not know much about cameras, I found doing this task enjoyable as I had the opportunity to explore my creations for the concept given which was 'Traces'


  1. Good that you have posted this now - you did not take many images here and so remember you should take more images for more choices when it comes to using and curating your images


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